Swisstronik v3 Testnet

Upgrading Swisstronik to 1.0.2

This guide provides instructions for upgrading Swisstronik to 1.0.2 version

NOTE: This upgrade including some breaking changes (such as changing denom from uswtr to aswtr), so it's not possible to perform just a Software Upgrade

Before upgrade


Before the upgrade, please ensure, that you backuped following folders:

  • .swisstronik. This is required to be able to rollback upgrade

  • .swisstronik-enclave folder and file. This is required to be able to restore encryption key

Also it is recommended to backup swisstronikd binary

Install Intel SGX DCAP

Check DCAP Driver

Ensure that user under which you're running your node has access to SGX, by running the following command:

groups $USER

If you cannot see sgx and sgx_prv groups, add your user to them:

sudo groupadd sgx_prv
sudo usermod -a -G sgx_prv $USER
sudo usermod -a -G sgx $USER

Then run groups $USER again. If groups we're not updated, login again.

Install DCAP Libraries

Install required libraries by running the following command:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb $VERSION_CODENAME main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y \
    libsgx-aesm-launch-plugin \
    libsgx-enclave-common \
    libsgx-epid \
    libsgx-launch \
    libsgx-urts \
    libsgx-dcap-ql \
    libsgx-dcap-quote-verify \
    libsgx-dcap-default-qpl	\
    libsgx-quote-ex \
    libsgx-qe3-logic \
    libsgx-uae-service \
    libsgx-aesm-pce-plugin \
    libsgx-pce-logic \
    sgx-aesm-service \
    libsgx-aesm-ecdsa-plugin \
    libsgx-aesm-quote-ex-plugin \

sudo apt upgrade -y

NOTE: If you have 5th Generation Xeon SP, you have to install additional package:

sudo apt-get install -y sgx-ra-service

Configure Intel PCCS

You should configure Intel Quote Provider. Configuration file can be found here:


Update pccs_url value in that file and set it to:

"pccs_url": ""

NOTE: If you're using Microsoft Azure to run your node, please refer their documentation, to set correct value for pccs_url.

Download and install binaries

Download 1.0.2 binaries:


Extract downloaded archive and install binary:


Install extracted deb package:

sudo dpkg -i swisstronik_1.0.2_amd64.deb

NOTE: if you have issue with libsnappy1v5, install it using:

sudo apt-get install libsnappy1v5 -y

To simplify process, you can copy from /usr/lib to directory with already existing file. DO NOT replace, just put updated enclave file in the same folder.

Pass Remote Attestation

NOTE: Updated binary swisstronikd_v1.0.2 by default stored in /usr/local/bin. Updated enclave file by default stored in /usr/lib. NOTE: SEED_HOME env var was renamed to KEYMANAGER_HOME and should lead to directory with .keymanager (~/.swisstronik-enclave by default)

Request encryption keys using one of the following commands:

Using EPID:

swisstronikd_v1.0.2 enclave request-epoch-keys-epid \

Using DCAP:

swisstronikd_v1.0.2 enclave request-epoch-keys-dcap \

Set halt-height

Upgrade will take place at 5430000 block. Set halt-height in ~/.swisstronik/config/app.toml to 5430000 to stop your node on exact height.

NOTE: Once you changed app.toml file, please restart your validator

NOTE: Disable Restart=always in your .service file and run sudo systemctl daemon-reload. Otherwise, your validator will restart and continue produce blocks after halt height.

During the upgrade


Backup everything again. Please ensure, that you backuped following folders:

  • .swisstronik. This is required to be able to rollback upgrade

  • .swisstronik-enclave folder and file. This is required to be able to restore encryption key

Download latest genesis.json

Download genesis.json file from v1.0.2 release:


Update validator

  1. Backup .swisstronik/data/priv_validator_state.json, .swisstronik/config/priv_validator_key.json and .swisstronik/config/node_key.json

  2. Run swisstronikd tendermint unsafe-reset-all --keep-addr-book to clean all states. Also you should remove file .swisstronik/config/genesis.json.bak

  3. Replace .swisstronik/config/genesis.json with downloaded one

  4. Update min gas prices in app.toml to correct denom. Sample command: sed -i 's/minimum-gas-prices = "7uswtr"/minimum-gas-prices = "7aswtr"/' ~/.swisstronik/config/app.toml

  5. Restore .swisstronik/config/priv_validator_key.json and .swisstronik/config/node_key.json and `priv_validator_state.json`from backup.

  6. Set halt-height in .swisstronik/config/app.toml to 0

  7. Update .service file for your validator with updated binaries. Updated binary swisstronikd_v1.0.2 by default stored in /usr/local/bin. Updated enclave file by default stored in /usr/lib.

  8. Reload daemon sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  9. Restart your validator

NOTE: SEED_HOME env var was renamed to KEYMANAGER_HOME and should lead to directory with .keymanager (~/.swisstronik-enclave by default)


Cannot find `swisstronikd` binary

Download archive with old binaries from release

In case of missing copy that file from archive and put it in /usr/lib folder

Last updated